Preparations for the Summer School

Let's save some time by preparing for the summer school

1) Bring a laptop

You will need a laptop to do the practical labs of the summer school. Austria has C/F plug types for the power sockets, so make sure to bring an adapter if you come from a coutry with a different power socket system (check out the list of plug types by country).

2) Preparation for Essence Lab

Install the latest version of Conjure (with Essence/Minion) from here. There are installation instructions and documentation. If you encounter any problems, then please contact Ozgur Akgun.

3) Preparation for MiniZinc Lab

Install the latest MiniZinc version (bundled binary packages) from here. Documentation and other resources can be found here.

4) Preparation for MiniCP Lab

MiniCP is a Java library to implement a basic CP solver. Therefore it is necessary that you install the Java SE Development Kit 8. If you are not familiar with Java yet, then it would be good to follow a tutorial before the summer school, there are several ones online.

We also recommend to install a Java IDE (integrated development environment), which is an advanced editor for programming. A Java IDE simplifies coding with Java by letting you traverse the code in an intuitive way, set automated formatting, or provide auto-completion. We recommend IntelliJ IDEA, or Eclipse, both which are available for free.